Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fire Shuts Down Walmart In ST Thomas, Ontario

    A fire at Walmart Sunday in St. Thomas part of the back wall

ST. THOMAS, Ontario Walmart - A fire that started at the back of store Sunday just before noon at Walmart forced employees and hundreds of shoppers from the store on one of the busiest days this year for customers.

Although details were not available, the heat of the fire inside the store buckled eight exterior panels on the west side of the building.

Smoke could be seen pouring out from some doors and water flowing as St. Thomas firefighters coped with the situation.

“We don't know yet what happened,” said one employee who declined to give her name.
The store was closed indefinitely and St. Thomas police sealed off the area, keeping traffic away.
Store employees who had evacuated stood outside waiting for word on what was happening as the temperature outside hit 30 C.